Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Strona główna » Regulations for using the PIF cloakrooms during the Pyrkon 2024 Fan Convention

Regulations for using the PIF cloakrooms during the Pyrkon 2024 Fan Convention

Regulations for using the PIF cloakrooms during the Pyrkon 2024 Fan Convention

  1. The Regulations concern cloakrooms operating at the premises of the Poznań International Fair during the Pyrkon 2024 Fan Convention between 14.06.2024 and 16.06.2024.
  2. Cloakrooms available for participants are located only at the north, east, and west entrances, as well as Pavilion No. 15 (PCC_.
  3. The cloakrooms at the east, west, and north entrances will be open continuously during Pyrkon, from 12 PM on Friday (June 14, 2024) to 4 PM on Sunday (June 16, 2024).
  4. The cloakroom in hall 15 (PCC) is open between the following hours during Pyrkon:
    Friday (14.06.2024) from 02.00 PM until 00.00,
    Saturday (15.06.2024) from 9.00 AM until 00.00,
    Sunday (16.06.2024) from 9.00 AM  until 06.00 PM.
  5. The PIF cloakroom can hold outer garments, accessories (scarves, hats, gloves, umbrellas) and other items, with the reservation of para. 7 and para. 8.
  6. The festival staff is not responsible for any luggage left in the changing room outside of its operating hours.
  7. During Pyrkon 2024 Fan Convention, the PIF cloakrooms do not accept the following for storing:
    • Valuables (e.g. laptops, photo equipment, cell phones, jewelry), items of artistic or scientific value, IDs and other documents, domestic and foreign money and debit cards; when leaving documents or valuables in the clothes and other items left for storing, the Festival participant does so at his own risk and responsibility;
    • items that are difficult to store in the cloakroom due to their size or characteristics (e.g. glass, strollers, luggage carts, wheelchairs);
    • items that may cause damage to third parties or their property, in particular damage or contamination, as well as those that can damage or contaminate the cloakroom;
    • items with an unpleasant odor;
    • weapons and ammunition, flammable items, explosives and other dangerous materials it is forbidden to bring to the PIF grounds.
    • loose luggage (e.g., packed in bags) and open bags.
  8. Cloakroom service may refuse to accept the following items for storage:
    •  If they have suspicions regarding the prohibited contents determined in pt. 7, and the person leaving the items in the cloakroom fails to prove their absence;
    • Item whose condition is defective;
    • elements connected with historical reenactment and costumes (cosplay); There is a separate zone for cosplayers.
  9. To confirm the fact that items were accepted for storage in the cloakroom, the Festival participant receives a coat-check.
  10. It is forbidden to accept things from several people for joint storage, on one coat-check.
  11. The coat-check is a basis for the items to be released by the cloakroom.
  12. If the coat-check is lost, the cloakroom service is to be notified of the fact. Items will be released from the cloakroom only if the person who lost the coat-check provides a written statement determining the garments or other items left in the cloakroom (description of the items) and proves their right to them, holding a valid ID document.  A protocol shall be drawn up for this purpose, the template of which constitutes an appendix to these Regulations. The items will be released in the presence of the Pyrkon 2024 Fan Convention organizer, immediately after an appropriate statement is signed on the above-mentioned protocol, a fee is paid for losing the coat-check in the amount of 50 PLN.
  13. Items are to be collected from the cloakroom on the day they were left for storage or immediately before the end of Pyrkon.
  14. It will be possible to collect the garments and other items not collected before the end of Pyrkon at Pyrkon’s office, ul. Słowackiego 13, after prior contact via e-mail kadry(at)
  15. Items not collected after 7 days of being stored, calculating from the end of the festival (16.06.2024), are considered to be bona vacantia.
  16. In cases not settled in the Regulations in question, the provisions of the civil code shall apply.
  17. Every person using the PIF cloakroom has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with these Regulations in the cloakroom or on the website.
  18. Leaving items in the cloakroom during Pyrkon is tantamount to accepting these Regulations and obliging to comply with its provisions.
  19. The Regulations are in effect from June 14th 2024.

Appendix to the Regulations for using the PIF cloakrooms during the Pyrkon 2019 Fan Convention.

Stable Capital