Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Pyrkon lineup

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We offer you an agenda full of attractions. You will find everything here: from lectures, through competitions, exhibitions, tournaments, villages, and all kinds of thematic stands and concerts. By default, the program is displayed in lecture rooms and hourly attractions at thematic stands, villages, autographs, photo sessions, etc. If you change the settings in the “Agenda type” filter to “Show full agenda”, you will see all available program attractions.

The search engine allows you to search not only by words contained in the title or description of a given agenda point but also by the name of the thematic zone, the name of the Speakers, or the location of a given point (e.g. name of the lecture room or hall).

Download PDF or CSV

Next to the search engine, some buttons allow you to download the program in CSV or PDF file format. If you want to download the full program, change the setting to “Show full agenda”and select the CSV format. If you want to download a file with selected program points, use the appropriate filters or search box and then download the file in the selected format.


Several filters will make your search easier: the previously mentioned “Agenda type” filter and filters that allow you to select the time, day, program zone, location (“Halls”), Speakers, or search by basic tags and the language in which a given program point will be conducted. Language-neutral points do not require knowledge of either Polish or English. In the “Halls” filter, the marking in square brackets indicates the location (the hall number).

Tokens and workshops registration

At the points where registration with tokens is possible (remember that only 50% of the seats in the lecture hall are subject to this type of reservation), a color marking with the inscription “Token” appears. We have similarly marked workshops that will require registration via a dedicated form – the inscription “Workshops”. We will inform you about both token registration and workshop registration on our social media.

Agenda type
  • [11] Iglica (Literature Zone) 14.06 Friday 14:00 – 15:00
    Tasha Suri
    Icon for Literature Zone Tasha Suri – Q&A
    Tasha jest autorką niesamowitej dylogii “Księgi Ambhy” (w jej skład wchodzą “Cesarstwo piasku” i “Kraina popiołu”) oraz epickiego fantasy „Jaśminowy tron”.

    Tasha is the author of, among other things, the amazing dylogy “Books of Ambha” (which includes “Empire of Sand” and “Realm of Ash”) and the epic fantasy “Jasmine Throne.”
  • [antresola 5] Komiksowa Aleja Artystów 3 (Comic Zone) 14.06 Friday 14:00 – 16:00
    Oliver Ledroit
    Icon for Comic Zone [sketches] Oliver Ledroit
    Odwiedź Komiksową Aleję Artystów i zdobądź szkic od artysty!

    Visit the Comic Artists Alley and get a sketch from an artist!
  • [5A] Strefa Warsztatowa (zielona) (Workshop Zone) 14.06 Friday 15:00 – 17:00
    Michael Koske Gregory French
    Icon for Workshop Zone [workshop] Zombie School
    The Gregory French’s and Michaels Koske’s project revolves around conducting acting workshops with a focus on portraying zombies, incorporating elements of characterization and the Zombie Walk phenomenon. These workshops will serve as a simulation of condensed training sessions that the instructors underwent during preparations for roles in “The Walking Dead”. The sessions have been adapted from 4-5 hour classes into interactive workshops aimed at non-professional participants. The primary objective is to provide participants with an engaging and educational experience that culminates in acquiring a new skill.
  • [5A] Strefa Warsztatowa (różowa) (Workshop Zone) 14.06 Friday 15:00 – 17:00
    Michael Koske Gregory French
    Icon for Workshop Zone [workshop] Zombie School
    The Gregory French’s and Michaels Koske’s project revolves around conducting acting workshops with a focus on portraying zombies, incorporating elements of characterization and the Zombie Walk phenomenon. These workshops will serve as a simulation of condensed training sessions that the instructors underwent during preparations for roles in “The Walking Dead”. The sessions have been adapted from 4-5 hour classes into interactive workshops aimed at non-professional participants. The primary objective is to provide participants with an engaging and educational experience that culminates in acquiring a new skill.
  • [5A] Strefa Warsztatowa (żółta) (Workshop Zone) 14.06 Friday 15:00 – 17:00
    Michael Koske Gregory French
    Icon for Workshop Zone [workshop] Zombie School
    The Gregory French’s and Michaels Koske’s project revolves around conducting acting workshops with a focus on portraying zombies, incorporating elements of characterization and the Zombie Walk phenomenon. These workshops will serve as a simulation of condensed training sessions that the instructors underwent during preparations for roles in “The Walking Dead”. The sessions have been adapted from 4-5 hour classes into interactive workshops aimed at non-professional participants. The primary objective is to provide participants with an engaging and educational experience that culminates in acquiring a new skill.
  • [11] Iglica (Literature Zone) 14.06 Friday 15:00 – 16:00
    Radosław Kot Ian Watson
    Icon for Literature Zone Ian Watson – Q&A
    Każdy fan science fiction kojarzy Iana! Autora „The Embedding”, „Miracle Visitors”, „God’s World”, „The Jonah Kit” oraz zeszłorocznego „The Chinese Time Machine”. Stworzył również serię opowieści w uniwersum Warhammera 40,000!
    Tym razem w duecie z Radosławem Kotem odpowie na pytania Wasze, jak i te poruszone w ich wspólnym temacie przewodnim – „Realna szansa dla ludzkości w naszej dżungli technologii i idei (jak transhumanizm) – Czy ludzkość ma szansę przetrwać w dżungli technologii i idei (w tym transhumanizmu) stworzonych przez siebie?”.
    Czy podołamy w świecie technologii stworzonym przez nas samych? O tym dowiecie się na Q&A z Ianem!

    Every science fiction fan knows Ian! He is the author of “The Embedding”, “Miracle Visitors”, “God’s World”, “The Jonah Kit” and last year’s “The Chinese Time Machine”. He also created a series of stories in the Warhammer 40,000 universe!
    This time, in a duet with Radosław Kot, he will answer your questions, as well as those raised in their common theme – “A real chance for humanity in our jungle of technologies and ideas (like transhumanism) – Does humanity have a chance to survive in the jungle of technologies and ideas (including transhumanism) created by itself?”.
    Will we be able to cope in a world of technology created by ourselves? You’ll find out at the Q&A with Ian!
  • [7] Sala RPG 1 (RPG Zone) 14.06 Friday 15:00 – 16:00
    Błażej Kubacki Chris Birch
    Icon for RPG Zone Presentation by Modiphius Entertainment
    Chris Birch, head of Modiphius, brings us a little bit of mystery. Come and see what secret and exciting new project will be unveiled (more details to be announced!). You don’t want to miss that!
  • Scena Plenerowa (Concerts ) 14.06 Friday 15:30 – 16:30
    Icon for Concerts [concert] Svita

    Svita łączy różnorodne gatunki muzyczne, od folkowego brzmienia po epickie kompozycje inspirowane mitologią i średniowiecznym fantasy. Bogate instrumentarium i różnorodność wokalna tworzą niezwykłe narracje, odzwierciedlając piękno natury i mistycyzm. Zespół, stworzony przez artystę Pawła Dyjana, oferuje podróż, zaczynając od nordyckich fiordów, przenosząc się przez jezioro owiane mroczną tajemnicą, aż po morze pełne legend. Muzyka zespołu jest obrazowa, nawiązująca do natury, a światło odgrywa kluczową rolę, przybierając różne formy i kończąc na idei świtu – nowej nadziei, optymistycznej puencie.

    Svita blends diverse musical genres, from folk sounds to epic compositions inspired by mythology and medieval fantasy. Rich instrumentation and vocal variety create extraordinary narratives, reflecting the beauty of nature and mysticism. Created by artist Paweł Dyjan, the band offers a journey, starting from Nordic fjords, moving through a lake shrouded in dark mystery, and ending at a sea full of legends. The band’s music is picturesque, evoking nature, with light playing a crucial role, taking on different forms and culminating in the idea of dawn – new hope, an optimistic conclusion.
  • [antresola 5] Komiksowa Aleja Artystów 4 (Comic Zone) 14.06 Friday 16:00 – 17:00
    Fernando Dagnino
    Icon for Comic Zone [autographs] Fernando Dagnino
  • [5A] Strefa Warsztatowa (fioletowa) (Workshop Zone) 14.06 Friday 16:00 – 17:00
    Jagna Bułat
    Icon for Workshop Zone [workshop] Traveling at full speed – how to enhance every journey
    Traveling is a pleasure by its definition, but what can be done, to make it even more interesting? What helps to gather more memories and souvenirs, discover unexpected places and meet outstanding people? Come, we will talk about Wander Books and Wander Cards, geocaching, quests and city games, collecting ink stamps and treasure hunting; about how to transform even the shortest trip to a journey full of adventures.
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