Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Even more interesting activities for foreigners at Pyrkon 2019! The AMU Faculty of English becomes the patron of the program events in English

Pyrkon is a Fantastic Meeting Spot for everybody, no matter what language they speak! That’s why we want for the program events in English to be even better and more elaborate. This year the Faculty of English of the Adam Mickiewicz University, that agreed to become patron of the English program events, will help us achieve that goal!

pyrkon patronat program anglojęzyczny Wydział Anglistyki UAM

Faculty activities at Pyrkon

Thanks to cooperation with the university in Poznań you may expect many a fantastic activity! The employees and doctoral students of the AMU Faculty of English will prepare a number of program events for you, during which they will discuss a great deal of subjects that will amaze you. Science-fiction, magical creatures in literature, popular games, blockbuster movies – those speakers will tackle any topic! You will surely be able to get answers to a whole lot of questions on modern culture from them.

Together with the AMU Faculty of English, we also prepared something special for the role-playing games’ enthusiasts. It’s a WARGs: WA Roleplaying Geeks stand. There, you will have the chance to become a part of fascinating stories, full of plot twists and unforgettable adventures – all this under the watchful eyes of Game Masters, speaking fluent and, surely, flowery, English 🙂

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Magda Walczak

Filolog z przypadku, leń z natury. Jeśli nie musi, to piechotą nie chodzi, ale ujdzie w tłoku. Zdarza się, że coś jej chodzi po głowie, chociaż nigdy przed 9 rano. Za to jej miłość do seriali przechodzi ludzkie pojęcie. Lubi chadzać swoimi ścieżkami, mimo że radzą jej raczej pójść po rozum do głowy.

Stable Capital