5 voices and chanteys at Pyrkon. Ryczące Dwudziestki will conquer the Outdoor Stage
You love chanteys, we love chanteys, everyone loves chanteys! Who doesn’t know a hit like “Spanish Ladies”? By the way, legend has it that the band you are about to meet recorded the best version of this song in the history of mankind! The gentlemen of Ryczące Dwudziestki – Qña, Sęp, Martinez, Bodziec and Matrix will visit this year’s Pyrkon as guests to play on the Outdoor Stage.

How did it all begin?
Let’s go back in time 40 years… A few friends from the 1st Water Squad of the Bytom Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP), who shared a passion for sailing, adventure and, above all, the search for freedom, decided to express themselves musically. And in no small way at that! Sea songs, sailor ballads, power-filled chanteys is what became their main theme.
From singing together among friends, their career blossomed at the “TRATWA” ’83 festival in Katowice, where they were awarded third prize for no less but the previously mentioned “Spanish Ladies.” And this is just the beginning of their adventure. Despite the many awards received, two of them have special significance for the group, and that is the two-time Grand Prix of the International “SHANTIES” Festival in Krakow in 1984 and 1999.
Although the composition of the band has changed slightly over the years, the spirit has remained the same.
A’capella, or perhaps with a guitar?
Five male voices – that’s all or just enough to conquer the stage. Ryczące Dwudziestki has been entertaining and moving listeners with their music for years, creating some pretty unconventional songs. They are not afraid to experiment, and as a result, over the years the gentlemen of the band have forged a unique style that you won’t hear anywhere else.
Journey through life with music
Visiting Pyrkon is closely related to their other passion – traveling. Just imagine – counting the miles traveled while on tour, the gentlemen of Ryczące Dwudziestki have certainly circled the globe a couple of times already. Many a port they have visited, many a car they have “worn out” and slept in many a berth.
Almost every weekend, they go somewhere in Poland, visiting a multitude of concerts or cultural events. Almost every year they make overseas trips as well. Among the countries visited, they can certainly boast of having visited Germany, the former Yugoslavia, Hungary, Norway, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Canada and the United States.
They still have a long way to go
Although they are getting older every day (and supposedly better, like wine 😉), they don’t stop creating, as evidenced by the 13 CDs they’ve released and the myriad of ideas they plan to pursue in the next decade.
They are unpredictable, so to everyone’s benefit, they are sure to surprise us with something.
See you at Pyrkon!