Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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What’s on the mind of a board game developer? Chris Birch in the RPG Zone

Go on a trip to unknown lands, full of unexpected adventures and inspiration. Once again we come face to face with Chris Birch, co-founder of Modiphius Entertainment, who will open the door to the worlds of his imagination for us! 

A bit of history

Chris Birch, along with his wife Rita, founded the Modiphius Entertainment project in 2013 in the heart of London. Before exploring RPGs, Chris spent years exploring different branches of the business, from the fashion revolution to energetic music festivals. Eventually, however, his heart yearned to explore new worlds, and so the Modiphius brand of RPG and board game publishing house was born.

With Modiphius, Chris was finally able to combine his passions and experiences, creating unforgettable worlds. From his proprietary “Achtung! Cthulhu” to exciting licensed projects – “Matt Leacock’s Thunderbirds”, “Dune”, “Fallout”, “The Elder Scrolls Skyrim”, “Homeworld: Fleet Command” and many others.

What is Chris hiding up his sleeve?

At Pyrkon, Chris will give us a behind-the-scenes look at his work on his latest projects. Whether it’s “Dream and Machines”, or “Cohors Cthulhu”, or the newly announced “Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Adventures in Ankh-Morpork” – each of these universes is a piece of the puzzle waiting to be discovered. Who knows, maybe our guest has a few more aces up his sleeve, ready to be unveiled before you? 😉

Visit the RPG zone and see for yourself!

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Agnieszka Muczke

W dzień social media manager i organizatorka eventów fanowskich, w nocy cosplayerka i streamerka (o ile noc można liczyć od godziny 16:00 od poniedziałku do piątku oraz weekendy) Cosplayem zajmuje się od 2016 roku i na koncie ma ponad 50 różnych cosplay'i oraz niewiele mniej sesji zdjęciowych. Jej ulubioną częścią każdego projektu jest pozowanie przed kamerą i tworzenie kontentu, który w następstwie udostępnia na swoich Social Mediach. Tutaj, pisze i dzieli się swoją wiedzą na temat gier, mangi i anime.

Stable Capital