Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Take a look at the fun
at Pyrkon 2024

PYRKON 2024 relacja z Festiwalu Fantastyki 😎

PYRKON 2024 Fantastyczne Miejsce Spotkań za nami! Relacja video z Festiwalu Fantastyki Pyrkon w Poznaniu jest już gotowa. Fani literatury, filmów, muzyki, mangi i anime, gier planszowych i gier wideo, cosplayu i po prostu dobrej zabawy, po raz kolejny spotkali się w Poznaniu podczas Festiwalu Fantastyki Pyrkon. Dziękujemy, że byliście razem z nami!


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You can buy tickets here


Normal 3-day pass

In round 1: PLN 299 (with service fee) – 24.10.2024 – 12.02.2025

In round 2: PLN 319 (with service fee) – 13.02.2025 – 20.05.2025 

In round 3: PLN 339 (with service fee) – 21.05.2025 – 12.06.2025

Normal 1-day tickets:

FRIDAY: PLN 159 (with service fee)

SATURDAY: PLN 269 (with service fee)

SUDAY: PLN 119 (with service fee)

The Special Package: a 3-day pass, a bundle of our gadgets + 6 tokens: PLN 549, 

A Special Package upgrade for the Early Birds tickets: PLN 280,

Children’s 3-day pass:

In round 1: PLN 149 (with service fee)

In round 2: PLN 159 (with service fee)

In round 3: PLN 169 (with service fee)

Children’s 1-day pass:

FRIDAY: PLN 79 zł (with service fee)

SATURDAY: PLN 134 zł (with service fee)

SUNDAY: PLN 59 zł (with service fee)



Children ages 6 to 12.

Program events tokens allow you to reserve seats during chosen lectures. They ensure you will have a seat during an event you particularly wish to see. You may reserve the number of seats equal to your number of tokens, e.g., two tokens equal a single seat during two lectures.

The reservations for program events will open soon before the Convention at a dedicated website.

You can exchange your ticket for a participant’s ID badge only at the Eastern and Western Entrance to the PIF.

Pyrkon takes place between 16-18.06.2023 at the PIF in Poznań, ul. Głogowska 14.