Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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The stars and their constellations? This year’s Literature Zone attractions will be unforgettable!

If you know more books than you do people, you can recite the bibliography of your favorite authors in your sleep, and every copy of a book you buy makes you shiver with excitement, it’s a sure sign that the Literature Zone is the place you absolutely must visit. This year we have prepared a whole bunch of activities for you, so you can be sure that you will not regret it!

What’s in store for the Literature Zone this year?

The Literature Zone is a place on the map of Pyrkon, towards which no literature lover will remain indifferent – you can participate in a huge number of amazing attractions and meet a whole plethora of invited writers there. You will meet the authors of your beloved series not only at lectures or panel discussions given by them, but also at autograph signings and photo sessions. This means that you can not only get your idol’s signature, but also take a photo with them! Is there a better reason to take a closer look at the Zone’s program? We beg to differ! Be assured that there will be no shortage of interesting program events in the Literature Zone: from interesting lectures to gripping discussion panels. 

Guests of the Literature Zone! 

This year – as always – there will be no shortage of Polish and foreign writers of fantasy literature at Pyrkon. The convention will feature such stars as: 

  • Siri Pettersen (series: “The Raven Rings” and “Vardari”),
  • Tasha Suri (cycles: “The Books of Ambha” and “The Burning Kingdoms”),
  • Cherith Baldry, or Erin Hunter (“Warriors” series),
  • Cristina Macía (she has translated works by authors such as Terry Pratchett, George R. R. Martin, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman and Anne Rice),
  • Peter V. Brett (“The Demon Cycle” and “The Nightfall Saga”), 
  • Adrian Tchaikovsky (“Children of Time” series), 
  • Roderick Gordon (“Tunnels” series),
  • Brent Weeks (the “Night Angel” and “Kylar Chronicles” series),
  • Ian Watson (“Queenmagic, Kingmagic,” “Chekhov’s Journey” and many others). 

The Pyrkon Fan Convention will also feature domestic authors – of that you can be sure. Among the invited guests you will find: 

  • Andrzej Pilipiuk (the series on the adventures of Jakub Wędrowycz, “Kuzynki” and many other series),
  • Jarosław Grzędowicz (“Pan Lodowego Ogrodu” series),
  • Magdalena Salik (“Doliny Mroku” series and books: “Pieśń żywych skał,” “Mniejszy cud”),
  • Adam Przechrzta ( “Materia Prima,” “Materia Sekunda,” “Demony” and “Mons Viridis Magicus” series),
  • Michał Gołkowski (“S.T.A.L.K.E.R.”, “Siedmioksiąg Grzechu,” “Stalowe Szczury” series),
  • Robert M. Wegner (“Opowieści z meekhańskiego pogranicza”),
  • Elżbieta Chereźińska ( “Odrodzone królestwo” and “Harda” series),
  • Radek Rak (books: “Agla. Aurora“, “Baśń o wężowym sercu albo Wtóre słowo o Jakóbie Szeli”),
  • Paulina Hendel (“Żniwiarz” series and “Zapomniana księga” series),
  • Marcin Sergiusz Przybyłek (Gamedec” and “Orzeł Biały” series).
  • Filip Taterka, PhD (“Opowieści znad Nilu. Opowiadania egipskie z okresu Średniego Państwa”),
  • Agnieszka Szmatoła (book: “Echidna”),
  • Grzegorz Wielgus ( “Ostrze Erkal” and “Brat Gotfryd”),
  • Paweł Zbroszczyk (“Dar anomalii” series), 
  • Joanna W. Gajzler (“Necrovet” series and the book “Bóg Maszyna”),
  • Rafał Kosik (the “Felix Net i nika” series and the “Amelia and Kuba” series, as well as a number of novels).

And also many other authors, who you can find in the GUESTS tab on our website. So you can be sure that the attractions of the Literature Zone will not underwhelm you! 

Phenomenal program of the Literature Zone!

This year in the Literature Zone you can look forward to dozens of lectures and panel discussions, where our invited guests will discuss a variety of topics. What might you be interested in?

Of the panels with foreign guests, we recommend the following: 

  • How to write a fantasy bestseller (Peter V. Brett, Tasha Suri, Adrian Tchaikovsky),
  • Science and magic? Same content in different forms! (Siri Pettersen, Adrian Tchaikovsky), 
  • The Relationship Between Science and Fiction – Is there any chemistry between them? (Peter V. Brett., Roderick Gordon, Ian Watson),
  • The chicken and the egg problem – is it fantasy that drives science or vice versa? (Siri Pettersen, Ian Watson, Brent Weeks),
  • The role of mythology and legends in the creation of modern fantasy (Peter V. Brett, Tasha Suri, Brent Weeks).

Of the panels with Polish guests, on the other hand, we recommend you to turn your attention to the following: 

  • Fantasy vs. popular culture – do we even want adaptations of literature to other media? (Joanna W. Gajzler, Marcin Bartosz Łukasiewicz, Marcin Sergiusz Przybyłek),
  • Creating multithreaded plots in fantasy – how not to lose balance and stumble over your own feet? (Michał Gołkowski, Ewa Kassala, Robert M. Wegner),
  • Creating magic systems – how to stitch it all together so that the narrative pillowcase does not come apart at the seams? (Adam Przechrzta, Marcin Sergiusz Przybyłek, Robert M. Wegner),
  • Between spells and feelings: the war for fantasy’s dominance over romance – or “eh, no romance? Not for me.” (Ewa Kassala, Marcin Bartosz Łukasiewicz, Magdalena Salik), 
  • Bad bitches vs a prince on a white horse – why we love bullies and unrealistically perfect boys [Marcin Bartosz Łukasiewicz, Marcin Sergiusz Przybyłek, Aleksandra Seliga],
  • The impact of technology on fantasy literature (Rafał Kosik, Marcin Sergiusz Przybyłek, Magdalena Salik),
  • The role of mythology and legends in the creation of contemporary fantasy (Justyna Hankus, Jaga Moder, Aleksandra Seliga),
  • Ethics and morality in a fantasy world: reflections on good and evil (Ewa Kassala, Radek Rak, Robert M. Wegner),
  • Creating believable fantasy worlds: author’s inspirations and processes (Andrzej Pilipiuk, Adam Przechrzta, Robert M. Wegner).

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg! The organizers of the Literature Zone have prepared a program full of meetings centered around literature and engaging discussions for you. There will be reflections on technology and artificial intelligence, on the translation of Andrzej Sapkowski’s prose into Spanish and French (and the challenges this brought), you will also learn this and that about Slavic demons and much, much more!

Fantastically Talented Writers!

It is also worth mentioning the Fantastically Talented competition gala, which will take place at Pyrkon on Saturday and where you will meet the winners of the first edition of the competition. The event will be hosted by – well-known and well-liked – Karol Modzelewski. 

On the same day, immediately after the award ceremony, there will be two panel discussions with the winners of the competition. What will we talk about and what topics will we cover? You will find out at the fast-approaching Pyrkon! 

So, who’s visiting the Literature Zone?

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Martyna Halbiniak

Twierdzi, że nie śpi, bo sen jest świetnym substytutem kawy dla ludzi, którzy mają nadmiar wolnego czasu. Jest też zdania, że czekolada nie pyta - ona po prostu rozumie. Wieczna studentka z wrodzoną niechęcią do dorosłości, bo lubi się ze swoim wewnętrznym nerdem... tfu, dzieckiem. Z zapałem godnym lepszej sprawy przetwarza kawę na literki. Lubi rodzynki w serniczku i cynamon w jabłeczniku.

Stable Capital