Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Stable Capital

Strona główna » Fantastic Initiatives Zone – signing up

Fantastic Initiatives Zone – signing up

Fantastic Initiatives Zone gathers together all non-profit or non-commercial fan actions – from fan conventions to blogs.

orkon, pyrkon, strefa fantastycznych inicjatyw, inicjatywy, konwenty, fantasy polska, żupan, szlachta, Fantastic Initiatives Zone

In the specially separated part of our convention – the Fantastic Initiatives Zone – you can present and promote projects of your group among the guests. The dynamic development of all associations and events connected with fantasy is important to us, so even if you’re a small organization and don’t have the possibility to show your work on a stall or you only operate in the Internet, please contact us anyway!

We offer the following to groups that contact us:

  • Entrance tickets for 4-6 people
  • A small – 2,5m x 2,5m stall, a big – 2,5m x 5m stall or a custom stall (contact us for more details)
  • At least a single table and 2 chairs
  • A place on our website (logo, description and webpage address).

A group must provide the following:

  • A description of the attractions and ways in which you will use the place (the number of entrance tickets depends on that information)
  • At least 2 people present at the stall throughout the event during opening times of the hall
  • An information on your webpage, stating that you will take part in Pyrkon
  • Your logo (250px x 300 px), a description (both in Polish and English, up to 500 characters)

Submit via email: anna.domoradzka(at)
With regret but we need to reserve the right to reject some of the submissions due to big interest and limited space available.

Stable Capital