Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Jeff Smith, Tony Harris, Bédu and Étienne Willem will be Guests of Pyrkon!


The stars of American and European comics will visit this year’s  Pyrkon Fantasy Convention!

Étienne Willem Jeff Smith, Bédu, Tony Harris, blok komiksowy, Pyrkon 2018

Thanks to the invitation from the Egmont publishing house, the participants of the convention will be able to take part in meetings and signing sessions with authors like:

  • Étienne Willem (“L’Épée d’Ardenois ”),
  • Jeff Smith (“Bone”, “RASL”, “Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil”),
  • Bédu (“Hugo”, “Clifton”),
  • Tony Harris (“Ex Machina”, “Starman”, “Iron Man”).

The presence of the first-time festival guests will also be accompanied by the release of their albums – not only debuting in Poland (“ L’Épée d’Ardenois”, pol. “Miecz Ardeńczyka”), but also volumes of continuing sagas (“Bone, volume three: Friends and enemies, or harvest”).

Étienne Willem Jeff Smith, Bédu, Tony Harris, blok komiksowy, Pyrkon 2018

Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith learned to draw from comic strips and short animated movies on the TV. For 4 years he had been creating comic strips for a student magazine in the State University of Ohio, in 1986 he became the co-founder of the animation studio called Character Builders, and in 1991 he published the comic series “Bone”. After finishing “Bone” he reached into more experimental areas. His series “Tuki: Save The Humans” came out as a webcomic before being published. RASL was, however, not only directed at older readers, but also presented a different narrative approach to the drawing style. Smith has won numerous Eisner prizes in various categories and still remains an eclectic, energetic personality in the world of comics.

Bernard Dumont

Étienne Willem Jeff Smith, Bédu, Tony Harris, blok komiksowy, Pyrkon 2018

Bernand Dumont, known as Bédu, worked for 3 years as an assistant for a known cartoonist Berck before starting a career on his own. Then – from August 1975 – he began cooperating with the renowned weekly magazine “Tintin” and later finally became able to publish graphic stories under his own name. In 1977, Bédu, together with the comic writer Blareau, invented the character of Professor (P’tit Prof), and in 1979 also in cooperation with Blareau, the second series entitled: Ali Béber. In 1981, Bernard Dumont developed the script and drawings of the authorial Hugo series, and in 1983 he took over a story Clifton, the series about a british detective from Raymond Macherota and the Turk & de Groot duet.

Étienne Willem Jeff Smith, Bédu, Tony Harris, blok komiksowy, Pyrkon 2018 Tony Harris

Tony Harris is known for his work on the series Starman, Ironman and Ex Machina. Harris was nominated for the Will Eisner Comics Industry Award nineteen times.  He won the award twice. He started his professional career as an illustrator at the age of nineteen. Later, Tony joined James Robinson, Brian K. Vaughan and Dan Jolley and together they created the books Starman, Ex Machina and Obergeist. Harris was also involved in illustrating Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones, JSA: The Liberty File, and the continuing JSA: The Unholy Three nominated for the Eisner Award (all with Dan Jolley).

Étienne Willem Jeff Smith, Bédu, Tony Harris, blok komiksowy, Pyrkon 2018

Étienne Willem

Étienne Willem is the author of the series “Vieille Bruyère et Bas de Soie” published by Paquet, as well as based in medieval times  “L’Épée d’Ardenois”, with the main heroes being animals. Willem’s latest work is the “Les Ailes du singe” series, in which he takes readers to the sky world of the 1930s.

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Joanna Dziedzic

Jako dziecko zagubiła się w fantasy jak Alicja w Krainie Czarów i niczym Obieżyświat postanowiła zwiedzić wszystkie fantastyczne krainy. Kolekcjonuje książki jak Flash mandaty za prędkość. Optymistyczna jak Kłapouchy, energiczna jak Garfield z nutą gramatyki Yody. Nienawidzi zimna jak Anakin piasku, a pająki kocha równie mocno co Ron Wesley. Żeby przeczytać i obejrzeć wszystko co jej się marzy, musiałaby żyć tak długo, jak Legolas. Z tego powodu od wielu lat bezskutecznie próbuje zostać elfem. foto: Makove Love

Stable Capital