Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Stable Capital

“Bimba for Pyrkon-goers” on time again!

One of the questions most frequently asked by Pyrkon participants this year was “will there be free public transport?” We are happy to announce there will be! “Bimba for Pyrkon-goers” will get you straight to the Poznań International Fair once again!

What is “Bimba for Pyrkon-goers”

Bimba dla Pyrkonowiczów, Pyrkon 2019, Festiwal Fantastyki Pyrkon Commuting in Poznań can be just as challenging as travelling to Mount Doom. Standard or reduced fare? Zone A, B or C? Can I get to the Fair in 10 minutes or will it take an hour? Those are questions often tormenting Pyrkon participants, and not only those coming in from outside Poznań. Luckily, there is a common answer to all of them.

And that’s “Bimba for Pyrkon-goers” (“Bimba dla Pyrkonowiczów”) – an action we prepared in cooperation with the Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego (Public Transport Authority). As part of the actin, each of you will be able to use public transport in Poznań for free! The only condition is you have to have your badge on you – it is what entitles you to use all the buses and trams in Poznań and in several surrounding towns free of charge. It’s an excellent option for all those who decided not to sleep in the Sleeproom.

Your accommodation is located far from the PIF, and you prefer to spend all your savings in the Vendorland instead of taking a taxi? Read the regulations and forget you ever had problems with public transport tickets!

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Joanna Dziedzic

Jako dziecko zagubiła się w fantasy jak Alicja w Krainie Czarów i niczym Obieżyświat postanowiła zwiedzić wszystkie fantastyczne krainy. Kolekcjonuje książki jak Flash mandaty za prędkość. Optymistyczna jak Kłapouchy, energiczna jak Garfield z nutą gramatyki Yody. Nienawidzi zimna jak Anakin piasku, a pająki kocha równie mocno co Ron Wesley. Żeby przeczytać i obejrzeć wszystko co jej się marzy, musiałaby żyć tak długo, jak Legolas. Z tego powodu od wielu lat bezskutecznie próbuje zostać elfem. foto: Makove Love

Stable Capital