Cristina Macía, translator and popularizer of literature, is the next Guest of Pyrkon!
The Literature Zone is wide awake and rushing to reveal who else will appear at next year’s convention! We will have the pleasure of hosting Cristina Macía, a Spanish translator, editor, writer and organizer of international conventions. The artist has made significant contributions promoting fantasy and science fiction literature in Spain. And we will have the opportunity to hear all about her work and other endeavors. Doesn’t it sound interesting?
Cristina Macía – not just a translator
The artist was born in Madrid and left it as soon as possible. She moved to the artsy Barcelona and took up translating English-language comics there, which led to her receiving orders for more translations from major publishing houses.
She has translated the works of many authors, such as Terry Pratchett, George R. R. Martin, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman and Anne Rice. Her editing and translation skills have kept her involved in editing many Spanish editions of world bestsellers.

In 1995, she moved to the coastal town of Gijón in Spain’s greenest of provinces to help organize (free of charge, of course!) the huge annual international popular literature convention Semana Negra (“Black Week”), which focused primarily on crime literature. In 2012, she co-founded (again, free of charge) what is now Spain’s largest SF, Fantasy and Horror convention, Celsius 232 (= Fahrenheit 451), for which she was nominated for a World Fantasy Award in 2023.
Privately Cristina Macía is the wife of Ian Watson, a well-known science fiction writer, and the mother of two daughters, Rouge and Noire.