Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Don’t miss the great MOCs exhibition! LUGPol at Pyrkon

What is a “MOC”? LEGO fans certainly don’t need an explanation, but the Lego Fan Zone is intended for everyone, not just those who have been into bricks for years! So to answer your question – MOC stands for “My Own Creation”. These are structures built without any instructions from a box, but with the help of your own hands, a pinch of imagination and sometimes hours of thinking what elements to put together to get the best result. In the LEGO Fan Zone, we’ll meet the sizable LUGPol team, who have prepared an even bigger exhibition for you.

Who are the members of LUGPol?

LUGPol, or Lego Users Group Poland, is the first Polish club of LEGO enthusiasts, which originated from a discussion forum founded in May 2004 by Daniel “MrGorgo” Gordziejonok. Today, the forum is part of an expanded site that brings together adult LEGO fans from across the country.

There are many associations around the world with adult members who treat LEGO as a hobby. Particularly strong AFOL (or Adult Fans of LEGO) groups are active in the US, Australia, the UK, Germany and, of course, Denmark – the country where our beloved bricks were born. Compared to them, the Polish group may seem more modest, but they nevertheless have a track record of great success! They have won worldwide competitions more than once, and their works are recognized around the world. The club continues to grow and accept new members.

Together, a lot can be achieved

The purpose of the group’s activities is to promote the interesting hobby of LEGO modeling in Poland. Thanks to the Internet and various cultural events, they are reaching out to more brick fans.

In their forum, they exchange ideas and experiences, share modeling achievements, and even trade or sell and buy the components needed for future ideas.

Today the forum has more than a thousand registered users. Among them are lovers of different LEGO themed series, of different ages and from different cities, and they all share a common passion.

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Agnieszka Muczke

W dzień social media manager i organizatorka eventów fanowskich, w nocy cosplayerka i streamerka (o ile noc można liczyć od godziny 16:00 od poniedziałku do piątku oraz weekendy) Cosplayem zajmuje się od 2016 roku i na koncie ma ponad 50 różnych cosplay'i oraz niewiele mniej sesji zdjęciowych. Jej ulubioną częścią każdego projektu jest pozowanie przed kamerą i tworzenie kontentu, który w następstwie udostępnia na swoich Social Mediach. Tutaj, pisze i dzieli się swoją wiedzą na temat gier, mangi i anime.

Stable Capital