Far East Fantasy Section announces the next Guest. Paweł “Rep” Dybała joins Pyrkon!
We have just received a fantastic message from the Far East Fantasy Section. Now you can start getting ready to meet Paweł “Rep” Dybała, translator of mangas such as “Fullmetal Alchemist”, “Death Note”, “Bleach” or “One Piece”.
A specialist in translation and fan of lame jokes
Paweł “Rep” Dybała has been working as translator and coordinator of the translation and editing division of J.P.F . publishing house for over twelve years. He is a lecturer at the Jagiellonian University, where he teaches, among others, how to translate manga. Author of numerous publications on the subject of automatic processing of humor by artificial intelligence and Polish translations of manga such as “Fullmetal Alchemist”, “Death Note”, “Bleach”, “One Piece”, “Maid Sama!”, “One Punch Man”, “Berserk” , “Blame!”, “Soul Eater” or “Attack on Titans”. Privately, he is a fan of very lame jokes and “Evangelion”.
O autorze
Magda Walczak
Filolog z przypadku, leń z natury. Jeśli nie musi, to piechotą nie chodzi, ale ujdzie w tłoku. Zdarza się, że coś jej chodzi po głowie, chociaż nigdy przed 9 rano. Za to jej miłość do seriali przechodzi ludzkie pojęcie. Lubi chadzać swoimi ścieżkami, mimo że radzą jej raczej pójść po rozum do głowy.