Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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How to make a mosaic out of LEGO? Visit a unique exhibition by Artur Godlewski

Come in legions to the fantastic land of LEGO bricks (Also known as the LEGO Fan Zone), where the most unbelievable projects and creative dreams will soon become reality! Dioramas, huge buildings, collection displays, and… mosaics await you there!

Mosaics? What kind of mosaics? Ones created by FiranBricks, a Polish AFOL that builds amazing 2D designs. Anyway, check it out for yourself!

Who is Arthur?

Artur Godlewski, known on the Internet as FiranBricks (Firan) is professionally associated with the logistics industry, and after hours he indulges in his greatest passion – LEGO bricks. His adventure with building and collecting LEGO “seriously” began in 2013. 

He started with the Technic and Mindstorms series, and for a little over a year has been building mosaics, which he first decided to show on social media channels and later also live, including at Lego events. Arthur is currently a member of the WawLug association.

Why mosaics?

Members of Polish associations of Lego fans (LUG for short) create magnificent buildings. One such joint project was a series of classical paintings – „Stańczyk”, „Babie Lato”, „Żydówka z pomarańczami”  and “Nad Brzegiem Morza”. 

Arthur came across the results of this project a few years ago and then the thought of creating something like this on his own germinated. In 2023, he bought the first set of bricks to build a reproduction of Banksy’s “Pulp Fiction” and the result was so satisfying that he keeps on doing it until today. 

Since then, more than 20 works have been created, and some of them will be on display at Pyrkon this year – including a 2.5m x 1.3m reproduction of Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam.”

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Agnieszka Muczke

W dzień social media manager i organizatorka eventów fanowskich, w nocy cosplayerka i streamerka (o ile noc można liczyć od godziny 16:00 od poniedziałku do piątku oraz weekendy) Cosplayem zajmuje się od 2016 roku i na koncie ma ponad 50 różnych cosplay'i oraz niewiele mniej sesji zdjęciowych. Jej ulubioną częścią każdego projektu jest pozowanie przed kamerą i tworzenie kontentu, który w następstwie udostępnia na swoich Social Mediach. Tutaj, pisze i dzieli się swoją wiedzą na temat gier, mangi i anime.