Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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John Kovalic to visit Pyrkon once again!

John Kovalic is a world-famous illustrator and creator of comics, for which he received a wide range of awards. His portfolio includes many projects that are selling exceptionally well and that can be recognized thanks to the original stroke type he uses and the satirical sense of humor. His most well-known works include Dork Tower, tales about the adventures of a group of geek friends and Dr. Blink: Superhero Shrink, which is a parody of the genre of superhero comics. Additionally, he illustrated the Munchkin card game, which is a smash hit all over the world, played by people of all ages and the Apples to Apples parlor game.

This year, John will visit the Tabletop Games Section. If you are fans of his works or you only just discovered his epic comics, you cannot miss the meeting with John. Maybe he will run his workshops, which are always a popular attraction among you during this edition as well.

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Joanna Dziedzic

Jako dziecko zagubiła się w fantasy jak Alicja w Krainie Czarów i niczym Obieżyświat postanowiła zwiedzić wszystkie fantastyczne krainy. Kolekcjonuje książki jak Flash mandaty za prędkość. Optymistyczna jak Kłapouchy, energiczna jak Garfield z nutą gramatyki Yody. Nienawidzi zimna jak Anakin piasku, a pająki kocha równie mocno co Ron Wesley. Żeby przeczytać i obejrzeć wszystko co jej się marzy, musiałaby żyć tak długo, jak Legolas. Z tego powodu od wielu lat bezskutecznie próbuje zostać elfem. foto: Makove Love