Łysa Góra to perform on the Outdoor Stage!
If you still don’t have enough of the concerts on the Outdoor Stage, we are happy to report that we have a lot more attractions planned for you. This time what we have in stock is a concert by a band that is difficult to fit into one genre. Performing especially for you will be Łysa Góra.
Let’s get to know Łysa Góra a little more
They began their adventure playing as Łysa Góra by combining their love of folk, white voice or archaic singing and rock and metal sounds. Giving a strong rock setting to folk melodies, they have been difficult to pigeonhole over the years, drawing inspiration primarily from traditional Slavic songs – from Polish lands to the Balkans. This is reflected in their music, as the lyrics in various languages intertwine with one another, including Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Macedonian and Bulgarian. In this capacity, they released two albums, “To i Hola” and “Siadaj, nie gadaj.”

In 2018, the band created a second, acoustic, strictly folk project. The number of instruments you can hear in this project is impressive! There are traditional instruments from various parts of the world: a fiddle of Plock, a saz, a string drum, a shaman drum, a djembe, a digeridoo a “szuflabas” and a whole collection of percussion instruments and, of course, intertwined white voices. As part of this project, they released the third CD in their history, which was met with great enthusiasm from fans and opened new horizons for the band. On the acoustic album “Oj Dolo,” traditional folk is interspersed with original arrangements and lyrics. Thus, the band split into two projects: Łysa Góra and Łysa Góra Akustycznie. Two projects – but the composition is still the same.
The acoustic project did not exclude activities in the rock and metal field. On the contrary, the band, after the addition of a new guitarist, spread its wings and went in the direction of very heavy progressive and post-metal sounds, of course, interwoven with folk and Slavic soul. The result of several years of work is the band’s fourth album, which will see the light of day in the spring, and parts of it can already be heard.
So if you like unusual combinations that may surprise you more than once, Łysa Góra’s concert will be perfect for you!