Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Meet the next juror of the Pyrkon K-Pop Cover Dance Festival competition – Jakub Grzybała!

Last year’s winners of the Pyrkon K-Pop Cover Dance Festival were the Majesty Dance Team, who won the hearts of both the spectators and judges. Members of this formation will return to Pyrkon as guests this year. The ensemble will perform on the Masquerade stage as the judges deliberate on the results of the competition. The special position of the representative of previous winners on the jury will be held by Jakub Grzybała – a multiple medalist in dance competitions, both as a team and individually, as well as a juror of foreign events and a dance teacher.

Jakub Grzybała – Dancer from an early age

Jacob was enrolled in his first dance class when he was still a preschooler. He started with modern dance in a tournament group, which later changed its dance style to hip-hop. Remaining in this formation for several years, he had the opportunity to participate and win podiums in many tournaments. He also often performed individually, using his own choreography. Among the competitions he participated in during this period, it is worth mentioning the Golden Shoelace Dance Festival, the Zabrze International Dance Festival, as well as tournaments in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. After leaving the group, Jakub attended two dance studios (the You Can Do it studio Katowice and the Iskra Dance Studio) for several years where he expanded his horizons. He still focused on hip-hop, but also practiced breakdancing, locking and dancehall.

The beginning of the k-pop adventure

Jakub began to seek knowledge about other dance styles, and that’s when he first became interested in k-pop. After his move to Warsaw, he became one of two co-founders of the Majesty group. He is currently taking classes at a dance school (East Side Dance Academy) and is firmly focused on self-development. He participates in dance camps, and has recently been teaching classes at them himself (Kpop Camp 2022/2023, Jayu Dance Camp 2023). Not long ago, he managed to win the Korean FANTOO online competition. Over the past few years, he has often been invited as a juror or dance instructor to foreign events (as a juror – at the Baisun Fest Lithuania 2023 competition, for workshops – at Skillz Studio in Lithuania and The Unity Dance in Vienna).

Majesty Dance Team – Polish k-pop dance champions

The Majesty Dance Team group has been on a real winning streak over the past few years. In 2022 and 2023 they took first place at the Spring Magnificon Kpop Dance Contest, and in 2023 they were the winners of the Pyrkon K-Pop Cover Dance Festival. They also have a second-place finish in the 2022 Kpop World Dance Festival and the 2023 Winter Magnificon Kpop Dance Contest to their name.
During this year’s Pyrkon, the group will again appear at the event, this time as guests. Their performance will take place during the Masquerade competition, during jury deliberations.

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Szymon Nowaczyk

Z wykształcenia technik weterynarii, z braku laku – student informatyki. Torturuje swoich bliskich godzinnymi wykładami o obskurnych szczegółach lore Warhammera 40 000. Od jego ogłuszającej paplaniny i basowego śmiechu trzęsą się posadzki. Na konwentach spotkacie go niemal wyłącznie przy stołach z grami planszowymi i bitewnymi.

Stable Capital