Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Stable Capital

Pyrkon postponed

Dear Pyrkon-goers! 

The year of Cyberpunk has evolved into the year of the Apocalypse. The coronavirus pandemic has turned all our lives upside down. Pyrkon is no different in this respect. Pyrkon 2020 was supposed to be an incredibly special event – a jubilee, making a point of 20 years spent together. We had new guests and invited speakers planned, with whom you would be able to meet, new attractions you could participate in, our heads were full of dreams and ideas of how to make Pyrkon 2020 the most amazing one in history. However, life has painfully verified our plans.

Dear friends, unfortunately, with great sadness and pain in the hearts of all those involved in the preparation of Pyrkon, we regret to inform you that the best event in this part of the galaxy will take place only in 2021. 

The decision to postpone the convention until next year was the hardest, we had to make in the twenty years of the event’s history. We did not want to mislead you with the promise of organizing the convention in the fall, because no one knows, whether it will be possible then or not.

For each organizer, Pyrkon is particularly important and for many of you it is a particularly important part of your lives. It is not, however (nor ever will be) more important than the health and safety of us all. Therefore, in caring for it, caring for the life of every person involved in Pyrkon as well as in observance of the current administrative decisions, we are postponing the 20th, jubilee, edition of the Convention to 14-16.05.2021.

We will do our best for the preparations we have made to date not to go to waste. Of course, we will also try our hardest for as many program attractions already announced as possible to appear next year. We know perfectly well that you have been waiting for the meetings with our guests (just as we did!) and as they could not wait to meet you 🙂

We are currently working on different online actions, of which – we hope – we will be able to inform you soon! We are keeping in touch with you and we will try to make your waiting time for the jubilee edition of the Convention as pleasant as possible.

Right now, we need to be completely honest with you. Without your help, Pyrkon may not last until next year. In those difficult times, many institutions, events, and companies have found themselves in an exceedingly difficult position. Pyrkon is one of them. The consequence of postponing the event to next year is that we are not able to reclaim a large portion of the money we spent to prepare Pyrkon 2020. And now we must bear the costs of preparing Pyrkon 2021.

Therefore, right now, each of you can wear a cape and become the superhero of Pyrkon. Keep the tickets you purchased, as they will remain valid and allow Pyrkon to survive until 2021! Soon, we will launch the sales of the tickets for the 2021 edition. 

We will be encouraging those of you who do not have the tickets yet to purchase them. By purchasing the ticket, you will contribute to the survival of the Fantastic Meeting Spot. Do not let it disappear from the map of Poland’s events. You are the true force behind Pyrkon. Thanks to your support and involvement, we will all be able to meet again and show that there is no better place in the world than Pyrkon.

We will be singing Disney songs, dancing the Chapelloise on the sidewalks at the PIF and shouting that it will get dark soon again. Or making new friends while waiting for lectures, because someone talks to us and a fantastic, captivating conversation ensues. And of course, we will meet all the long unseen friends for all over Poland. And most of all we will be gathering valuable memories, we will laugh and love fantasy. 

If Pyrkon is close to your heart, if you cannot imagine 2019 to be the last edition ever, let us unite in those difficult times. Show off the power of Pyrkon’s community. 

In the meantime, stay strong, take care of yourselves and your environment. Keep accumulating the mana to work and have fun in the future. See you all at Pyrkon 2021!

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Joanna Dziedzic

Jako dziecko zagubiła się w fantasy jak Alicja w Krainie Czarów i niczym Obieżyświat postanowiła zwiedzić wszystkie fantastyczne krainy. Kolekcjonuje książki jak Flash mandaty za prędkość. Optymistyczna jak Kłapouchy, energiczna jak Garfield z nutą gramatyki Yody. Nienawidzi zimna jak Anakin piasku, a pająki kocha równie mocno co Ron Wesley. Żeby przeczytać i obejrzeć wszystko co jej się marzy, musiałaby żyć tak długo, jak Legolas. Z tego powodu od wielu lat bezskutecznie próbuje zostać elfem. foto: Makove Love

Stable Capital