Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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The Outdoor Stage is filling up with artists! Zenek Kupatasa swings into action

-I listen to every genre of music.

-But that’s impossible!

-Are you sure about this? 👀

Just imagine – heavy music with absurd humor? How about something more philosophical? The guy you are about to meet is hard to pigeonhole under a particular style, so buckle up and head out to his concert!

Who is Zenek Kupatasa?

Some of you are probably familiar with Kabanos – the legendary band that brought out the absurdities of everyday life in sound. But did you know that the heart of the band was Zenek Kupatasa himself? He founded the group when he was 15 years old, and for the next 21 years he was the brains of the operation, creating not only music but also lyrics that entertained and surprised fans.

Now Zenek has taken his own path, creating under his own name. Most importantly, however, he continues to set the bar high with crazy ideas and energetic performances. Nay, he can even boast the title of one of the most prolific artists on the Polish music scene. He actively creates, writes songs and releases albums independently, promoting them on his own hook. He already has a total of more than 120 pieces to his credit, and this number is still growing!

Optimism in sounds

The music Zenek makes is not just ringing guitars and pounding drums. “Rezyliencja” is his philosophy of life, split into two albums, which deals with adaptability to the reality around us. In addition, as a curiosity – Zenek once even recorded an album in a language he invented.

Zenek Kupatasa – Żyj dobrze, umieraj staro (oficjalny klip z albumu “Rezyliencja I – Tak 3mać!”)

Utwór z albumu “Rezyliencja I – Tak 3mać!”, który jest pierwszym z dwóch albumów pod szyldem “Rezyliencja”. 📣 Kup płytę wraz z dedykowanym merchem: Oficjalna TABULATURA (gitary, bas, perkusja): Utwór dostępny w serwisach Spotify, Tidal, iTunes, YouTubeMusic itd.

Together with his band, which includes guitarist Jurek Halapenio, bassist Włodek Bombel and drummer Boguś Bambaryła, they provide an atmosphere full of joy, sincerity and optimism that warms the hearts of all those present. Anyone who has had the opportunity to be at their concert knows that it is an unforgettable experience that stays with you forever.

The space in front of the Outdoor Stage will not fill itself

On June 15 gather with your friends in front of the Stage! As Zenek says – there will be pogo, there will be cuddles, there will be skipping, and most of all you and your positive energy will be there!

Visit Zenek’s website and we’ll see you soon, cheers!

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Agnieszka Muczke

W dzień social media manager i organizatorka eventów fanowskich, w nocy cosplayerka i streamerka (o ile noc można liczyć od godziny 16:00 od poniedziałku do piątku oraz weekendy) Cosplayem zajmuje się od 2016 roku i na koncie ma ponad 50 różnych cosplay'i oraz niewiele mniej sesji zdjęciowych. Jej ulubioną częścią każdego projektu jest pozowanie przed kamerą i tworzenie kontentu, który w następstwie udostępnia na swoich Social Mediach. Tutaj, pisze i dzieli się swoją wiedzą na temat gier, mangi i anime.