Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Stable Capital

The person responsible for the creation of the publishing house Rowan, Rook and Decard – Maz Hamilton to visit Pyrkon

Rowan, Rook and Decard is the publishing house responsible for games such as “Heart: The City Beneath”, “Spire: The City Must Fall” and “DIE RPG.” Their productions often deal with themes of rebellion, social oppression and the exploration of the human mind. This year’s guest speaker at Pyrkon will be one of the people who laid the foundation for this unique initiative: Maz Hamilton.

Meet Maz Hamilton

Maz Hamilton are among the founders of Rowan, Rook and Decard, a publishing house in existence since 2017. Working at top speed combined with a certain amount of pedantry has become their trademark, which is reflected in the products and the performance of their team. They make sure that the games go from being wild and untamed Google docs to beautiful, polished and, most importantly, real books in the hands of their owners

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Szymon Nowaczyk

Z wykształcenia technik weterynarii, z braku laku – student informatyki. Torturuje swoich bliskich godzinnymi wykładami o obskurnych szczegółach lore Warhammera 40 000. Od jego ogłuszającej paplaniny i basowego śmiechu trzęsą się posadzki. Na konwentach spotkacie go niemal wyłącznie przy stołach z grami planszowymi i bitewnymi.

Stable Capital