Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Stable Capital

The youngest Pyrkon-goers will surely not get bored! What do we have planned in the Kids’ Zone in 2024?

Big smiles, colorful costumes and endless amounts of energy – that’s just a fraction of what the Kids’ Zone at Pyrkon has to offer. At the heart of Poland’s largest convention for fantasy enthusiasts, there has been a place for small enthusiasts for years. It is here, in the magical realm of imagination, that the youngest Pyrkon-goers can discover their own world of amazing characters, stories and games. 

Together, let’s take a step into the world of colorful adventures and take a look at the attractions and invited guests that will spark imagination and shape children’s dreams at Pyrkon.

Starting with the invited guests!

Although not everyone would expect it, the Kids’ Zone also invites people with fantastic projects to meet the youngest Pyrkon attendees. This year we introduced you to many guests, and here are some of them:

  • Małgorzata Sokołowska – Polish police officer in service since 2005, who has a blog entitled “Z pamiętnika policjantki”, dedicated to educational materials and showing that working in the Police force is really cool! She will hold detective workshops on both Saturday and Sunday.
  • Magdalena “meago” Kania and Maciej Kur – Creators of the tasty graphic novel “Delisie”, which can surely be read not only by the youngest comic book enthusiasts. Together with the Participants, they will design their own Delisia during the Sunday workshop.
  • University of Life Sciences – or more specifically, students and employees of the University. Your kids or younger siblings will learn about the amazing world of animals using a method of spherification straight out of molecular gastronomy! What is it? Come and see for yourselves at the Friday and Saturday meetings!

Szalejdoskop – As they say – movement is healthy! It is with them that the kids will be able to get a decent workout – and with a wide smile on their faces at that, as there are a lot of creative workshops planned. Natalia, the founder of Szalejdoskop, will be joined by special guest, Pan Buźka, where together they will host an extraordinary illusion show!

Workshops, more workshops and even more workshops

Although the name doesn’t indicate it, the Kids’ Zone is not only for children but also their parents! That’s why we encourage you to take part in a wide variety of creative and scientific workshops together! And here’s what’s on the agenda:

  • The Children’s Art Center will prepare fantastic eco costumes and disguises! See for yourselves what wonders can be created from paper and recycled materials. Spectacular, minimalist, fantastic, or realistic costumes – it all depends on your imagination only. Who knows, maybe you have little cosplayers growing before your own eyes?
  • GO4Robot – A must for anyone who likes robots! Throughout the three days of the festival, there will be a series of robotics workshops for the youngest attendees ages +4 all the way up to +12, and the whole thing will culminate in a robot fighting show!
  • During Pyrkon there will be an opportunity to meet the animators from Klocki BLOCKI. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together with your family, develop creativity and construction skills! During these program events, children will have the opportunity to build, participate in block races, create huge structures together and participate in mini competitions.

These are actually just a few of the attractions that await you there. More information can be found in our blog articles about the Kids’ Zone and in the program itself. See you soon!

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Agnieszka Muczke

W dzień social media manager i organizatorka eventów fanowskich, w nocy cosplayerka i streamerka (o ile noc można liczyć od godziny 16:00 od poniedziałku do piątku oraz weekendy) Cosplayem zajmuje się od 2016 roku i na koncie ma ponad 50 różnych cosplay'i oraz niewiele mniej sesji zdjęciowych. Jej ulubioną częścią każdego projektu jest pozowanie przed kamerą i tworzenie kontentu, który w następstwie udostępnia na swoich Social Mediach. Tutaj, pisze i dzieli się swoją wiedzą na temat gier, mangi i anime.

Stable Capital