Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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There is never enough writers on Pyrkon – Krzysztof Piskorski will be the guest of the Literature Section!

The Literature Section just won’t stop surprising its participants! To the list of Guests already full of famous names we can add another – this time it’s Krzysztof Piskorski! His novels received many awards in Poland, and even attracted some attention in Russia. The coming Pyrkon is a great opportunity to get to know Krzysztof Piskorski and his work better, talk to the author and get his autograph.

Krzysztof Piskorski, Pyrkon,

Few more words about our guest

Krzysztof Piskorski – novelist, publicist, fan of history and good books. He has turned his experience with writing a variety of texts – literature, games and scripts, radio plays – into cycles of interesting lectures and columns. Last year he won the Zajdel and the Żuławski awards for his novel Czterdzieści i cztery (Forty and four), in which Slavic magic and strange technology had changed nineteenth-century Poland. He is also the author of the Zajdel awarded novel which has also been nominated in Russia for Fantasy of the Year 2017 – Cienioryt, a swashbuckling story set in a unique world in which shadows are something more than just lack of light.

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Joanna Dziedzic

Jako dziecko zagubiła się w fantasy jak Alicja w Krainie Czarów i niczym Obieżyświat postanowiła zwiedzić wszystkie fantastyczne krainy. Kolekcjonuje książki jak Flash mandaty za prędkość. Optymistyczna jak Kłapouchy, energiczna jak Garfield z nutą gramatyki Yody. Nienawidzi zimna jak Anakin piasku, a pająki kocha równie mocno co Ron Wesley. Żeby przeczytać i obejrzeć wszystko co jej się marzy, musiałaby żyć tak długo, jak Legolas. Z tego powodu od wielu lat bezskutecznie próbuje zostać elfem. foto: Makove Love