Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Stable Capital

Star Wars fans to get their own zone during Pyrkon 2024!

We know you love Star Wars. Lightsabers buzzing, Force-filled duels and stormtrooper patrols accompanying each edition of Pyrkon only make us confirmed in our opinion. We have great news for all you jedi knight-errants and bounty hunters without a place of their own in the world – you might just find it at Pyrkon!

What’s in store for you at the Star Wars Fans Zone?

We can’t reveal too much to you for now. You can certainly expect a lot of interesting guests related to the Star Wars universe. Above all, it will be a place co-created by true lovers of the universe. Among them will be regular attendees of conventions and festivals, deeply rooted in the fandom, as well as complete newcomers who want to share their passion with a wider audience for the first time.

Lectures and exhibitions on topics orbiting the galaxy far, far away await you. We will also have the Star Wars Camp once again, which you know well from previous editions of Pyrkon. You will also have the opportunity to meet a certain foreign guest, whose identity you will get to know soon.

If you yourself would like to prepare an attraction or share your knowledge related (or not) to Star Wars, be sure to submit your proposal through the Program Form – all the necessary information can be found >here<.

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Szymon Nowaczyk

Z wykształcenia technik weterynarii, z braku laku – student informatyki. Torturuje swoich bliskich godzinnymi wykładami o obskurnych szczegółach lore Warhammera 40 000. Od jego ogłuszającej paplaniny i basowego śmiechu trzęsą się posadzki. Na konwentach spotkacie go niemal wyłącznie przy stołach z grami planszowymi i bitewnymi.

Stable Capital