Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Stable Capital

Time-Turner Returns — and with it, your favorite artists.

Was there a performance on Pyrkon’s Outdoor Stage that made you wish you could turn back time and experience it all over again? Well, Pyrkon makes dreams come true, and for the impossible, you only have to wait until the next edition. Relive the magic by bringing back one of the bands that performed at Pyrkon 2024 and give them another shot at the Outdoor Stage next year!

Time-Turner — the future is in your hands.

The contest rules are very simple: choose your favorite artist from those who performed on the Outdoor Stage. Then, cast your vote for your choice in the poll, the link to which you’ll find below.

And that’s it! You’ve changed time and grabbed both the future and the past by the tails.

>Link to the contest poll<

>Link to the contest rules<

We’re waiting for your votes until August 29, 2024, at 11:59 PM. The winner will be the artist/band/singer who receives the most votes. Results will be announced by September 5, 2024.

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Szymon Nowaczyk

Z wykształcenia technik weterynarii, z braku laku – student informatyki. Torturuje swoich bliskich godzinnymi wykładami o obskurnych szczegółach lore Warhammera 40 000. Od jego ogłuszającej paplaniny i basowego śmiechu trzęsą się posadzki. Na konwentach spotkacie go niemal wyłącznie przy stołach z grami planszowymi i bitewnymi.

Stable Capital