Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
Guests Buy ticket

Stable Capital



 Each participant of the Pyrkon Fan Convention (hereafter referred to as Pyrkon), by purchasing or receiving a ticket or an ID badge, accepts these Regulations and at the same time agrees to abide by the terms of these Regulations.

2.    All persons participating in Pyrkon are required to read, accept and abide by the contents of these regulations. Failure to do so shall not be the basis for any claims against the Klub Fantastyki “Druga Era” Association (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer) and/or its members.

3.    Persons not complying with the regulations may, by the decision of the Organizer and persons acting on its behalf (including security personnel and volunteers), be removed from the Pyrkon grounds. Removal from the Pyrkon grounds for failure to comply with these regulations does not justify claiming a refund of the ticket price or any other costs incurred by the participant in connection with the purchase of a ticket or participation in Pyrkon.

4.    The Rules and regulations are available:

o   at,

o   at the cash registers on the Pyrkon grounds.

5.    Pyrkon takes place on the grounds of the Poznan International Fair at 14 Glogowska Street in Poznan – eastern, western and northern lobbies and halls: 3 and 3A, 5, 5a, 6A, 6B, 7, 7A, 8, 8A, 10, 11, PCC (Poznań Congress Center) and the area surrounding it (hereinafter the PIF) on June 14-16, 2024.

6.    Participants are allowed on the Pyrkon grounds during the following hours:

o   PIF Hall 3: from 12:00 pm on Friday until 6:00 pm on Sunday,

o   PIF Hall 3A: from 12:00 pm on Friday until 6:00 pm on Sunday,

o   Halls  5 and Hall 5A, MTP: from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Friday, from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm on Saturday and from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday, 

o   PIF Hall 6AB (Games Room): from 12:00 pm on Friday until 6:00 pm on Sunday,

o   PIF Hall 7A: from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Friday, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm on Saturday, and from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Sunday,

o   PIF Hall 7 and 8: from 12:00 pm on Friday until 6:00 pm on Sunday,

o   Halls : 8A of the PIF  from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Friday, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm on Saturday, and from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Sunday,

o   PIF Hall 10 (Convention  Office) from 12:00 pm on Friday until 6:00 pm on Sunday, 

o   PIF Hall 11: from 12:00 pm on Friday until 6:00 pm on Sunday, 

o   PIF PCC (Poznań Congress Center) Hall: from 2:00 pm to midnight on Friday, from 9:30 am to midnight on Saturday, and from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm on Sunday; unless information posted at the entrance to the Halls  states otherwise.

o   Green and Blue Room in the Eastern Lobby of the PIF: from 2:00 pm to 11:00 pm on Friday, from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm on Saturday and from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday; unless information posted at the entrance to the rooms states otherwise.

7.    Owners of one-day passes may stay on the Pyrkon grounds from 00:01 am on a given day until 6:00 am the following day or, in the case of Sunday passes, until the end of Pyrkon.

8.    A ticket purchased in advance is subject to mandatory exchange for an ID badge.

9.    The rules and schedule for ticket sales are set forth in Appendix 2 to the Regulations.

10.                   Only a person with an ID badge entitling them to it and an identity document with a photo to prove their identity is allowed on the Pyrkon grounds.

11.                   Each participant is required to sign the ID badge and wear the ID badge in a visible place. Intentionally removing, tearing or otherwise damaging your ID badge will result in your inadmissibility or removal from the Pyrkon grounds. If the ID badge is accidentally damaged or lost, immediately report to the ticket office to purchase a new ticket.

12.                   Persons without an ID badge, will be immediately removed from the Convention grounds.

13.                   The Organizer or persons acting on its behalf (including security personnel and volunteers) have the right to confirm the identity of the Convention participant. Confirmation of identity is carried out by means of the ID badge holder’s presentation of an identity document with a photo. Refusal to present an identity document with a photo may be justification for removing the participant from the event area. It is prohibited to transfer one’s own ID badge to others for use. If unauthorized use of an ID badge is detected, the Organizer and persons acting on its behalf (including security personnel and volunteers) shall have the right to revoke the ID badge and prohibit the person who used it, as well as the Participant who gave it to an unauthorized person, from further participation in Pyrkon.

14.                   At the Pyrkon grounds, a participant may be called upon to show the contents of his or her luggage by the Organizer or persons acting on its behalf (including security personnel and volunteers). The participant of Pyrkon is obliged to strictly adhere to the guidelines of the Organizer and the PIF in the scope of order and security at the event.

15.                   Participants are strictly prohibited from riding bicycles, segways, hoverboards, electric scooters on the Pyrkon grounds. The ban does not apply to event staff.

16.                   The Organizer shall be liable for damages caused to participants under the terms of the Civil Code and the Law on Security of Mass Events. The Organizer is not responsible for damage to the persons of Participants caused by third parties or through the fault of the Participant or by elements of equipment that are part of the booths of external companies cooperating with the Convention . The Organizer is not responsible for damage to Participants’ property caused by force majeure (e.g., fire, explosion, lightning, windstorm, flooding) or by third parties or through the fault of the Participant. The Organizer is not responsible for claims of the Participants on account of contracts concluded by them with the Vendors (including contracts of sale or provision of services, contracts for work, etc.).

17.                   Medical assistance

o   At the Pyrkon grounds there is an emergency medical aid station manned by paramedics and a doctor in their professional capacity;

o   Health services provided at Pyrkon are of an emergency nature. Emergency health services are provided at the site of the accident or at medical facilities designated by the organizers;

o   Persons suffering from chronic diseases, allergies, etc. are required to carry their own medications and carry information about their condition, illness or treatment difficulties;

o   Injured/sick people admitted to the emergency room will be identified on the basis of their identity card and/or passport, and/or school ID;

o   Medical points do not keep deposits and do not take responsibility for participants’ valuables;

o   If, upon examination of the injured person, a reasonable suspicion is raised that their bodily injury or functional disorder is in connection with the commission of a crime, the person providing medical assistance shall notify the organizer, and the organizer shall notify the police of the case in question;

o   In justified cases, the injured participant will be transported to a Health Care Facility.

18.                   Minors are required to present at the time of accreditation and have on them at all times during the event the consent of a parent or legal guardian to participate in Pyrkon, along with their contact telephone number. The consent template is available at [download here]

19.                   The Organizer is not responsible for items left unattended or lost. There are locker rooms on the Pyrkon grounds where you can safely leave your outer garments.

20.                   It is forbidden to bring the following into the Pyrkon grounds (except as described in this section and section 22):

o   weapons within the meaning of the current Law on Arms and Ammunition;

o   ammunition for the aforementioned;

o   shuriken;

o   cold steel weapons with the exception of objects with blunted edges – knives, cold steel weapons, training weapons and replicas of improvised weapons, provided that they are carried in a manner that does not pose a danger to other participants;

o   explosives and pyrotechnics;

o   toxic, smelly or flammable substances;

o   baseball bats;

o   gunpowder weapons.

21.                   Pneumatic weapons (ASG, paintball) are allowed to be brought into the event grounds if they have been temporarily or permanently disabled from throwing projectiles.

22.                   The final decision regarding the possibility of bringing weapons or objects that may be considered dangerous to the Convention grounds rests with the Organizer and persons/services designated by them.

23.                   During Pyrkon, it is forbidden to point weapons, replica weapons or any dangerous tool at another Pyrkon participant except with their express permission (e.g. while posing for photos).

24.                   Participants of Pyrkon are obliged to maintain cleanliness and order on its premises and in the area between the PIF buildings.

25.                   On the PIF grounds, alcohol consumption is allowed only in designated areas.

26.                   It is strictly forbidden to bring alcohol to the PIF grounds and to consume alcohol outside designated areas.

27.                   Smoking of tobacco products and e-cigarettes is strictly prohibited at Pyrkon, except in designated smoking areas.

28.                   It is strictly prohibited to possess and consume any narcotic or psychotropic drugs on the Pyrkon premises, except as described in Section 26 and in situations where the use of psychotropic drugs is required in accordance with medical orders, which should be certified by means of an appropriate certificate.

29.                   Persons under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants or psychotropic drugs may be removed from the Pyrkon area if the Organizer determines that they violate the provisions of these Regulations with their behavior. In such case, point 3 of the regulations, shall apply accordingly

30.                   Each participant of Pyrkon is obliged to behave in a cultured manner and submit to the decisions of the Organizer and those acting on his behalf (including security personnel and volunteers) Objections to decisions can be reported at the Convention  Office.

31.                   The Organizer is not responsible for any damage done by Pyrkon participants. All damages are the responsibility (including financial liability) of the perpetrators. In the case of minors, parents or legal guardians are legally and financially responsible.

32.                   In the event of a fortuitous event, including force majeure, as well as other causes that make it impossible to organize the event, and for which the Organizer is not responsible, the Organizer has the right to cancel the event, change the date and/or venue, without prior notice.

33.                   The Organizer shall not be obligated to provide any compensation or damages to the ticket holder, other than to refund all or part of the sum for which the ticket was issued for an event that, for reasons beyond the Organizer’s control and through no fault of the Organizer, in particular due to force majeure, was postponed, canceled or held only in part.

34.                   Persons conducting program events (hereinafter referred to as Speakers) are required to comply with these regulations when conducting a program event and to return the lecture room in an undisturbed condition. In case of blatant damage to the room found during its release, Speakers are obliged to immediately notify the Organizers.

35.                   Persons benefiting from a discount on accreditation for the program events carried out in the event of default are required to pay a surcharge on accreditation in the amount of the discount received.

36.                   The prizes in the contests that are an official part of the program are cash prizes, in-kind prizes and/or vouchers, redeemable for merchandise at a specific booth that is open during the Convention  during the hours Hall 5 and 5A are open to participants.  No compensation is provided for unused vouchers. Vouchers are redeemable only during the Pyrkon 2024 Convention .

37.                   Persons participating in the preparation and operation of Pyrkon may not participate in competitions and tournaments held during Pyrkon. In competitions and tournaments organized during Pyrkon by entities and organizations other than the Organizer, additionally, representatives and employees of these entities and organizations may not participate.

38.                   At Pyrkon, it is forbidden to reproduce and sell any copyrighted products without having the appropriate rights and licenses, and to trade in illegal copies of those products.

39.                   The Organizer is not responsible for and does not identify with the opinions expressed by participants (among others, the creators of the program) during Pyrkon.

40.                   Political activities, especially election campaigns and political canvassing, are strictly forbidden on the Pyrkon grounds. Those who do not comply with this prohibition will be removed from the Pyrkon grounds without the right to a refund of the ticket value and any other claims.

41.                   An image of the participant of the Pyrkon Fan Convention may be recorded through photographs or film recordings made by the Organizer in order to promote the Pyrkon Fan Convention. A participant present on the premises of the Pyrkon Fan Convention, by being present on the Convention  grounds, thereby agrees to the processing of their image and to the taking of photos and recording of films with their participation by an entity authorized by the Organizer free of charge, recording of their image and its use and dissemination free of charge while maintaining and respecting the dignity of the participant, exclusively for the purpose of promoting the Pyrkon Fan Convention.

42.                   On the premises of Pyrkon, in order to ensure the safety of participants and protection of property, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie Sp. z o.o. shall conduct special surveillance of the Convention  area or the area around the Convention  in the form of technical means allowing for image recording (monitoring).

43.                   Monitoring does not cover sanitary rooms, areas designated for smoking tobacco products and electronic cigarettes, and office spaces.

44.                   Image recordings are processed only for the purposes for which they were collected.

45.                   Detailed information on the processing of personal data by Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie sp. z o.o. can be found at the following link

46.                   Each participant of Pyrkon is obliged to treat other participants with respect. Physical or verbal harassment may result in removal from Pyrkon, revocation of an ID badge and reporting to the appropriate services. For a full description of the rules against harassment, visit

47.                   It is forbidden to bring animals to the Pyrkon grounds. The ban does not apply to guide animals and assistants of persons with disabilities, properly marked.

48.                   Refund policies for purchased tickets will be available when tickets are purchased at the box offices at the Pyrkon grounds and on the following websites

49.                   All advertising materials whose presence at the Convention  has not been agreed with the Convention Organizer will be removed from the Pyrkon grounds along with the persons distributing them. These persons will be charged with the cost of repairing any damage caused by their actions.

50.                   Conducting all commercial, service, entertainment, information and promotional activities (also applies to advertisements on vehicles), etc. on the Pyrkon grounds, including the PIF grounds, is possible only with the permission of the Organizer, in the booths and within the hours designated by the Organizer, and under the conditions specified in a separate agreement and in the Vendors’ Regulations.

51.                   In case of non-compliance with the above (i.e. point 50. and 51.) of the Regulations, the Organizer may remove the violator of the Regulations without refunding the cost of participation, as well as impose a contractual penalty in the amount of ten times the rate provided in the price list for vendors, for a standard type booth of minimum size, but no more than PLN 10,000.00.

52.                   At Pyrkon there are separate zones with their own rules and regulations. The regulations of the zones regulate their operation to the extent not covered by these regulations. In case of situations generating disputes, the zone’s regulations as special regulations take precedence over the general regulations.

53.                   The Pyrkon program published on the Pyrkon website is an indicative program prepared by the Organizer to the best of its knowledge. The Organizer reserves the right to change the Pyrkon program in case of unforeseen fortuitous events, including force majeure. Changes in the Pyrkon program due to unforeseen fortuitous events, including force majeure, cannot be the basis for any claims against the Organizer. In particular, they cannot be the basis for refunding the equivalent of the ticket price.

54.                   Access to the program events shall be on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the rules for other access to the program events, in particular as provided for in the Regulations for Reservation of Spots for Lectures, which is attached as Appendix 3 to these Regulations.

55.                   The Organizer stipulates that due to the large number of participants, it may not be possible to participate in some program events if all available spots are taken in accordance with the Regulations. Inability to participate in the program event due to lack of free spot cannot be the basis for any claims against the Organizer. In particular, it cannot be the basis for refunding the equivalent of the ticket price or part of it.

56.                   A participant’s entrance to the lecture room after the start of the program event is at the discretion of the person designated by the Organizer. The start of the lecture is signaled by closing the entrance door to the lecture room or in another form indicated by the organizer.

57.                   A ticket purchased in advance gives you the opportunity to reserve spots for the program events in accordance with the rules of the Regulations for Reservation of Spots for Lectures, which are attached as Appendix 3 to these Regulations, with the rule of priority of applications for reservation of spots. The Organizer does not guarantee the possibility to use the spot reservations for selected program events. The opportunity to reserve spots is valid until the pool of seats allocated for reservation is exhausted.

58.                   If a participant who has made a reservation for a program event does not show up at least 5 minutes before the scheduled start, their reservation will be automatically canceled.

59.                   The Organizer shall ensure the safe conduct of Pyrkon only if all participants comply with the Regulations, the Law on Safety of Mass Events and Polish law.

60.                   In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of the Law on Security of Mass Events and the Regulations of the PIF shall apply.

61.                   The Organizer reserves the right to change these Regulations through an amendment published on the Pyrkon website. The amendment shall become effective on the date of its publication, or on the date specified by the Organizer.

62.                   Information on the processing of personal data is attached as Appendix 1 to these Regulations.


Information about the processing of personal data

1.    The controller of your personal data is Klub Fantastyki Druga Era Association based in Poznań (61-131) at ul. Kaliska 22a/23, registered in the National Court Register under the number 0000207209. Below you will find all the necessary information regarding the processing of your personal data in connection with the performance of the contract concluded with you and for its proper execution.

2.    Personal data is processed on the basis of consent (art. 6 sec. 1a of the GDPR), on the basis of the concluded agreement of participation in Pyrkon (art. 6 sec. 1b of the GDPR) and the Administrator’s legitimate interest (art. 6 sec. 1 f of the GDPR) in order to carry out Pyrkon, ticket sales transactions, registration of speakers and participants, as well as to contact you if necessary, and in order to handle possible complaints or assert claims. The scope of the collected data is: name and last name, date of birth, order number, e-mail address, in the case of vendors who are natural persons also PESEL number and mailing address, and in the case of persons conducting business also identification data (NIP, account number) for the purpose of settlement of concluded obligations and fulfillment of legal and tax obligations under the law.

3.    Provision of data is voluntary. Failure to provide data, however, makes it impossible to process the participant’s registration and thus to process the order.

4.    Your personal data may be transferred to our partners for the purpose necessary for the proper execution of the contract. This includes entities that provide IT or accounting services for us, claims companies, intermediary courier services, postal operators, courier companies, printing or online payment services, and security services. Vendors’ personal data may be transferred outside the EEA to trusted partners that provide Internet services and have appropriate security certificates (Privacy Shield). Vendors will be informed of such cases accordingly.

5.    As the Controller, we provide you with the right to access your data, to request rectification, deletion or restriction of processing. You may also exercise the right to object to processing against the Controller and the right to data portability to another data controller. If you voluntarily consent, you have the right to revoke your consent to processing at any time, which does not affect the lawfulness of the processing performed on the basis of consent before revocation.

6.    You have the right to file a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

7.    Personal data will not be transferred to third countries or international organizations.

8.    The Controller does not carry out automated data processing activities or profiling.

9.    For matters concerning personal data, please contact us at e-mail: daneosobowe(at)



The following rules for ticket sales and distribution apply at Pyrkon:

1. Three-day tickets for Pyrkon will be sold at the following price thresholds:

  • Tickets purchased at Blind Birds threshold 20.06.2022-until stocks last- PLN 219 
  • special packages purchased from 07.11.2023 until stocks last – PLN 499  (Price with an service fee – PLN 530.50)
  • Tickets purchased between 07.11.2023-14.02.2024 – PLN 249 
  • Tickets purchased between 15.02.2024-13.05.2024 – PLN 279 (Price with an service fee – PLN 297)
  • Tickets purchased between 14.05.2024-13.06.2024 – PLN 299 (Price with an service fee – PLN 318)
  • Ticket price during the Festival – PLN 320
  • children’s passes (for children from 6 to 12 years of age inclusive) purchased between 07.11.2023-14.02.2024 – 125 PLN 
  • children’s passes (for children from 6 to 12 years of age inclusive) purchased  between 15.02.2024-13.05.2024 – PLN 140 (Price with an service fee – PLN 149)
  • children’s passes (for children from 6 to 12 years of age inclusive) purchased  between 14.05.2024- 13.06.2024 – PLN 150 (Price with an service fee – PLN 159,50)
  • children’s passes (for children from 6 to 12 years of age inclusive) during the Festival – PLN 160

2. 1-day tickets for Pyrkon will be sold at the following prices:

  • tickets for Friday, June 14, 2024 – PLN 109 (Price with an service fee – (Price with an service fee – PLN 116)
  • children’s tickets (for children from 6 to 12 years of age inclusive) for Friday, June 14, 2024 – PLN 55 (Price with an service fee – PLN 58.50)
  • tickets for Saturday, June 15, 2024 – PLN 219 (Price with an service fee – PLN 233)
  • children’s tickets (for children from 6 to 12 years of age inclusive) for Saturday, June 15, 2024 – PLN 110 (Price with an service fee – PLN 117)
  • tickets for Sunday, June 16, 2024 – PLN 99 (Price with an service fee – PLN 105.50)
  • children’s tickets (for children from 6 to 12 years of age inclusive) for Sunday, June 16, 2024 – 50 PLN (Price with an service fee – PLN 53.50)

3. Pre-sale 3-day and 1-day tickets are available for purchase through the Pyrkon website, the eBilet website. The rules for the return of tickets purchased in advance are set forth in the sales regulations of the designated entities.

4. A ticket purchased in advance entitles you to:

  • reserve spots at program events in accordance with the rules for reserving seats at lectures; the number of spots depends on the number of tokens on the ticket:

1.    A three-day ticket in a special package includes 5 tokens (packages available while supplies last)

2.    a three-day ticket purchased between 07.11.2023 and 14.02.2024 includes 2 tokens

3.    a three-day ticket purchased between 15.02.2024-13.05.24 includes 1 token while supplies last.

4.    three-day children’s ticket (eligible for children from 6 to 12 years of age inclusive) purchased between 15.02.2024-13.05.2024 includes 1 token until supplies last.

  • receive a unique gadget (while stocks last)
  • in a special package to receive the contents indicated in item 6.

5. 1-day tickets do not include tokens.

6. The special package includes:

  • a 3-day ticket;
  • Pyrkon Jigsaw Puzzle with unique graphics of 500 pieces;
  • Pyrkon P block set;
  • a separate entrance to the Convention  grounds;
  • 5 tokens to register for a program event;
  • launch of registration for program events before the launch of registration for standard ticket holders.

7. Each ticket purchased in advance must be exchanged for a participant’s ID badge, at the point located at the Poznań International Fair Eastern Entrance (from ul. Głogowska and the railway station in Poznań) and the Western Entrance (from Śniadeckich Street) on the following dates:

  • on Thursday, June 13, 2024, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm;
  • on Friday, June 14, 2024, from 10:00 am around the clock until Sunday, June 16, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.

8. At the Eastern Entrance you will also be able to exchange your ticket for an ID badge and collect the special package contents.

9. During Pyrkon, tickets will be available for purchase at designated Poznań International Fair box offices Northern entrance (from ul. Bukowska) on the following dates:

  • on Thursday, June 13, 2024, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm;
  • on Friday, June 14, 2024, from 10:00 am around the clock until Sunday, June 16, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.

10. Free admission to the event is for children up to the age of 6 on the day of entry to Pyrkon.

11. Any complaints regarding the special package, in particular the services and goods that comprise it, must be addressed solely and directly to the Organizer, who bears full responsibility in this regard, within 14 days of receipt of the package.

12. Tickets are non-refundable, with the exception of tickets purchased in advance, for reasons specified in the rules of sale made available by the entity through which the ticket was purchased in advance.

13. Refunds of tickets purchased in advance through the Pyrkon website are possible in case of cancellation of the Pyrkon or change of time or place of the Pyrkon and should be submitted within 30 days from the date of announcement on the Pyrkon website of the cancellation, change of time or place of the Pyrkon.

14. The sale of a ticket to a minor (who is under 18 years of age on the day of Pyrkon) requires the consent of a parent/legal guardian, if the parent or legal guardian is not accompanying the minor. The consent template is provided on the Pyrkon website. If you do not have a parent/guardian’s permission to attend Pyrkon, you will not be able to purchase a ticket.


Rules for reserving spots for lectures

1.    Spot reservations for a lecture are made through the website and require the creation of an account on this site.

2.    Spot reservations for a lecture can be made by anyone with a ticket purchased in advance. On each ticket with assigned tokens there is an individual code, which, when entered on the Ebilet website, gives you 1 to 4 tokens to distribute.

3.    The maximum number of reservations for lectures for one ticket depends on the number of tokens on the ticket:

o   three-day ticket in special package includes 5 tokens (tickets available while stocks last)

o   three-day “early bird” ticket purchased from 20.06.2023 – 20.07.2023 includes 3 tokens

o   three-day ticket purchased between 07.11.2023 – 14.02.2024 includes 2 tokens (tickets available while stocks last)

o   three-day children’s ticket purchased from 07.11.2023 – 14.02.2024 includes 1 token (tickets available while stocks last)

4.    The code for reserving spots for the lectures becomes valid 24 hours after purchasing the ticket.

5.    One code in the system is assigned a certain number of tokens. One code entitles you to book only one seat for the same lecture.

6.    Spot reservations for the lectures can be made after the program is published. The exact start date for reservations will be published on the Pyrkon website by May 15, 2023.

7.    Reservation of spots for the lectures for each day will close the day before:

o   for lectures on Friday, June 14, 2024 registration will be open until 11:59 pm CEST, Thursday, June 13, 2024

o   for the lectures on Saturday, June 15, 2024 registration will be open until 11:59 pm CEST on Friday, June 14, 2024

o   for the lectures on Sunday, June 16, 2024 registration will be open until 11:59 pm CEST on Saturday, June 15, 2024

8.    After booking, the participant will receive a ticket for the booked program event by e-mail. In order to collect the reservation, it is necessary to hold a printed ticket for the program event.

9.    Once scanned, a ticket cannot be scanned again.

10.                   Those with reservations for a program event are allowed into the room 10 minutes before it begins. For program events taking place in the Earth Hall, people with reservations are admitted 15 minutes before the start of the program event.

11.                   Reservation of a spot for a program event provides a guarantee of entry to the room, not priority entry to the room.

12.                   Unclaimed reservation will be canceled 6 minutes before the start of the lecture.

13.                   The following rooms are covered by the reservation system:

o   Earth Hall

o   Large Auditorium

o   Small Auditorium

o   Science Room

o   Literature and Comics Room 1

o   Literature and Comics Room 2

o   Manga and Anime Room 1

o   Manga and Anime Room 2

o   Manga and Anime Room 3

o   Gaming Room

o   RPG Room 1

o   RPG Room 2

o   Film and TV Series Room 1

o   Film and TV Series Room 2

o   The Spire
Reservation covers no less than 50% of the seats available in the rooms. 

14.                   In exceptional cases, the Organizer may increase the number of spots to be reserved for selected program events.

15.                   If the limit for spots is exhausted, the lecture will assume the status “tickets temporarily unavailable”.

16.                    In the event of cancellation of a program event made available for reservation prior to the Convention , those who have reserved a spot for that program event will receive an email notification of the cancellation and an additional token giving them the opportunity to reserve a spot for other program events still available.

17.                   If a program event covered by spot reservation is canceled during Pyrkon for reasons beyond our control, additional spot reservations for new lectures will not be activated.

18.                   It is not possible to cancel reservations for a program event once they have been made.

19.                   If a ticket for a program event is lost or destroyed, the participant will be able to obtain a copy at the Ebilet point. The cost of issuing a duplicate at the Ebilet point is PLN 10.

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