Fan Convention 13-15.06.2025 Poznan
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Stable Capital

The program form has started!

Every year, Pyrkon participants could submit their own program events, together creating the amazing Fantasy Fan Convention. This edition will not be different in this regard – we’ve just launched an application form through which you can submit your applications for giving a presentation or running a LARP!

The Pyrkon Fantasy Fan Convention is not just about the great guests and invited speakers, but above all – about the participants, without whom it would never even happen. The organizers have decided to once again work together with fantasy and science fiction fans to make the upcoming edition of Pyrkon even better than the last one. Your own program event is a great opportunity for many self-taught speakers and role playing games creators to, in line with the motto “A Fantastic Meeting Place”, take your passion to other people who share the same interests as you. So it’s not just an opportunity for self-improvement, but also a chance to make many long-lasting friendships. Many program event creators, who have been invited to Pyrkon for many years, have begun their collaboration with the Festival in that way. Program event creators can also expect a discount on the ticket. With every new edition, the quality of submitted program events gets higher and higher, and the program itself keeps getting more and more interesting. Who will dare to share their passion with others in 2018 and join the esteemed company of other program creators?

You can find the answers to the most important questions in the Pyrkon FAQ. In order to register a program event you must fill out the program form. Important: submitting a program event is not equal to the presentation or LARP being accepted.


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Joanna Dziedzic

Jako dziecko zagubiła się w fantasy jak Alicja w Krainie Czarów i niczym Obieżyświat postanowiła zwiedzić wszystkie fantastyczne krainy. Kolekcjonuje książki jak Flash mandaty za prędkość. Optymistyczna jak Kłapouchy, energiczna jak Garfield z nutą gramatyki Yody. Nienawidzi zimna jak Anakin piasku, a pająki kocha równie mocno co Ron Wesley. Żeby przeczytać i obejrzeć wszystko co jej się marzy, musiałaby żyć tak długo, jak Legolas. Z tego powodu od wielu lat bezskutecznie próbuje zostać elfem. foto: Makove Love

Stable Capital